Guilty for standing up for myself, why?

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Posted by Marion on February 07, 1998 at 14:30:15:

I am struggling with this mr niceguy junk so much
until I need to write this out just to see it for no other reason. I am tired of being Mr Niceguy and allowing everyone to walk all over me. I am a supervisor and even that crew tells me I need to take asertive training. I always fear the confrontation and I have been programmed to think that the Meek Shall inherit the earth, the other cheek, kind of stuff. I must not be doing it right, or millions have obandoned that stuff
because it takes to long for it to work.
For me yesterday I tried, I was trying to explain somthing to two people about a computer program and neither one of them would shut-up long enough for me to hear myself talk. They were coming to me for help, I tried to help, but they didn't like my style so they wanted to talk over me kind of stuff. After a bit of it, I said, Are you going to teach this, or am I, as I looked to the main person doing the rambling. She looked real funny at me and turned and walked out of the room. This came after a whole day of frustration with broken computers. Now all night I have laid in the bed wrestling with how I hurt her feelings and should I call and ask forgiveness. Im her boss, Bosses have done similar things to me and never asked my forgiveness. Should I be able to shrug it off
and say with a stony heart, no biggie!
Why doesnt she come to me and ask for the forgiveness because she was so rude in talking over
what I had to say after she asked for the help.
There just is not enough forgiveness teachings that are relevant to the 90s that are applicable.
It sounds like I don't accept Jesus' teachings, I do,
I just dont know how literal to take them and if you
say take them fully literal, please email me at stories about how you learned
to take Jesus fully literal in the area of forgiveness.
I haven't heard about any one cutting off their hands
lately because it offended them and caused them to risk heaven is what I mean. This message needs a
90s tone.

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