Posted by Lyn on September 01, 1998 at 00:53:19:
I've posted earlier on Aug. 27th.
I told my husband that I want a divorce. He says that since its only been three months ago
that I found out about his affair that I have not had enough time to make a rational
decision. I just don't see myself ever respecting him again. I can't love someone who
I don't respect. If I don't love him, then I can't forgive him. Because of these feelings,
I don't see a future with him.
I feel that his actions were immoral, destructive, and down right cruel. I believe there
is a point when something becomes too big to be forgivable. I believe there must be
unforgivable sins. If everything is forgivable then what would be the point in people
doing the right thing?
Is three months too soon? It's just that I can't see myself changing my mind. Is there
such a thing as an unforgivable sin? I just want to start my life again. I feel so stuck.
There's nothing wrong with divorce. He makes me feel like there is. He says that I will
be the one destroying our family if I do it. I feel that it was his adultery that did that.
I'm just making a choice that I have a right to make. If everything I said here is wrong,
then what do I do? I feel like a divorce would get my life moving again. I doubt that I
could ever see adultery as forgivable.