Posted by Doug Showalter on April 09, 1998 at 17:54:15:
In Reply to: Help me forgive. posted by Dan Sparkes on April 08, 1998 at 01:20:10:
Dear Dan,
I am a Christian who has spent a quarter of a century as an ordained minister for Christ. For years I was undecided and in conflict regarding my feelings about homosexuality and Christianity.
In the last few years, both my wife and I have come to the conclusion that homosexuality and heterosexuality are biologically based orientations which are created by God. Thus, they are inherently programmed and not choices that people make.
As a devout Christian and ordained Christian minister, I now strongly feel that it is wrong to discriminate against or pass judgment on other individuals, simply because of their inherent sexual orientation. I know that a number of my ministerial colleagues in my denomination have a similar view and Christian faith understanding.
From our 20th century perspective, we now know that the support of slavery was a great Christian sin of the 19th century and before. I believe, as times are changing, that a hundred years from now, the Christian support of discrimination against and ill treatment of homosexuals will be viewed as a great Christian sin of our 20th century.
The times are changing. And people are realizing that Christ's love is much more far-reaching and inclusive, than many of us have ever imagined before.
If your gay lover's infidelity is responsible for your contraction of AIDS, then you have been terribly wronged. Also, you are being wronged if someone tries to claim that your contraction of this illness is a divine punishment.
In my faith understanding, God doesn't send illness as punishment. Illness comes of its own accord, for any one or more of a variety reasons--including the fact, sometimes, that bodies just simply wear out. I know, as the Bible teaches, that Jesus went about healing the sick because health and well-being are God's will for our lives, NOT illness.
I hope you are able to secure medical treatments that are helpful to you, and that you will be able to sort out and eventually find some peace in your feelings toward your companion. And may God be very close to you in this time of difficulty.
I will keep you in my prayers.
Doug Showalter